Back pain is rarely the result of one incident or injury. One of the keys to having a healthy back is understanding that most back injuries are the result of the cumulative effects of months or even years of poor posture, faulty body mechanics, stressful living and working habits, loss of flexibility and strength, and […]

What is Osteoarthritis? Osteoarthritis (OA) is a condition that can affect the joints in your body. The most common joints that develop OA are in the knees, hips, spine and hands. Osteoarthritis is an umbrella term that describes variable degeneration within the joint. It can cause inflammation around the joint, damage to the joint cartilage, […]

What is knee osteoarthritis (Knee OA)? Knee OA is a condition that can affect one or both of your knee joints. It is characterised by the destruction of cartilage, leading to rough and uneven joint surfaces. Knee OA may present with pain during weight-bearing activities, swelling around the knee particularly after exercise or a feeling […]

What is a hip osteoarthritis (HIP OA)? Hip OA is a condition that can affect one or both of your hip joints. It is characterised by the destruction of cartilage, leading to rough and uneven joint surfaces. Hip OA may present with pain during weight-bearing activity or pain when sleeping. The pain may vary in […]
Struggling to find time to exercise?
So I don’t know about you but I’m one of those people who really struggles to maintain regular exercise. Especially after having a baby, working (as a Pilates instructor) and all the other daily life things that often take priority. I’m sure many of you also have ridiculously busy lives and realize just when you […]
Tradies National Health Month
Tradies National Health Month The Australian Physiotherapy Association has declared August to be Tradies National Health Month. And our team at Pilates of MtEliza are getting involved to help spread the word. Tradies are at the core of Australia’s foundation, without them our country wouldn’t tick. Mt Eliza and surrounding suburbs have a large tradie […]