Participation in sport is important for children as it teaches them how to work in a team and enhances their motor skills. However, with sports, injuries can always arise. These injuries may be minor or serious and require assessment and management by a physiotherapist. It has become common for children to be participating in high […]

What is Patella Femoral Joint Pain (PFJP)? PFJP refers to pain in your knee, particularly around your knee cap. Your patella-femoral joint describes the joint in which your femur (thigh bone) and patella (knee cap) meet. Your knee cap sits and glides within a groove on the thigh bone. If the knee cap is not […]

What is Osteoarthritis? Osteoarthritis (OA) is a condition that can affect the joints in your body. The most common joints that develop OA are in the knees, hips, spine and hands. Osteoarthritis is an umbrella term that describes variable degeneration within the joint. It can cause inflammation around the joint, damage to the joint cartilage, […]

If you have pain just below the knee and are either in your early to mid-teens or have recently had a growth spurt, you may have a growth pain called Osgood Schlatters Disease. What causes Osgood Schlatters Disease? It is a condition (not a disease) that occurs where the quadriceps tendon inserts below the knee. […]

Commonly known as a torn cartilage, a meniscal tear is damage to the meniscus that sits within your knee joint. The knee meniscus is a half-moon shaped fibrocartilage structure that sits towards the outside of the knee joint. Your meniscus assists with the rotational stability of your knee and shock absorption. Some symptoms of a […]

Your MCL is a ligament that supports the inside aspect of your knee. The ligament connects from the lower femur (thigh bone), runs down across the inside of the knee joint and then attaches to your tibia (shin bone). An MCL sprain is when this ligament is overstretched or torn and sustains damage to the […]

What is knee osteoarthritis (Knee OA)? Knee OA is a condition that can affect one or both of your knee joints. It is characterised by the destruction of cartilage, leading to rough and uneven joint surfaces. Knee OA may present with pain during weight-bearing activities, swelling around the knee particularly after exercise or a feeling […]

What is a degenerative meniscal tear? A meniscal tear is damage to the meniscus that sits within your knee joint. Your meniscus assists with the rotational stability of your knee and shock absorption. Pain occurring with bending your knee, swelling, and tenderness around your knee joint and restricted range of movement may all be associated […]
Osgood Schlatters Disease

Have children who play sports regularly and experience pain just below the knee? If they are in their early to mid-teens, they may have a growth pain that is called Osgood Schlatters Disease.