What is a Total Knee Replacement (TKR)? When health professionals use expressions such as ‘total knee’, they mean a joint replacement operation in which the complete knee joint is replaced. An artificial joint is called a prosthesis. There are many different kinds of prostheses and are all made of materials such as metal, plastic or […]

What is Osteoarthritis? Osteoarthritis (OA) is a condition that can affect the joints in your body. The most common joints that develop OA are in the knees, hips, spine and hands. Osteoarthritis is an umbrella term that describes variable degeneration within the joint. It can cause inflammation around the joint, damage to the joint cartilage, […]

What is knee osteoarthritis (Knee OA)? Knee OA is a condition that can affect one or both of your knee joints. It is characterised by the destruction of cartilage, leading to rough and uneven joint surfaces. Knee OA may present with pain during weight-bearing activities, swelling around the knee particularly after exercise or a feeling […]