Sever's Disease

If you’re a young basketballer/netballer/footballer and have heel pain when playing basketball or sports involving running or jumping, you may have a particular growth pain disorder called Sever’s Disease. What is Sever’s Disease? It is a condition (not a disease) usually affecting 9-15-year-olds that occurs at the back of the heel, where the Achilles tendon […]


Rotator Cuff Tear

What is a Rotator Cuff Tear? A rotator cuff tear is a tear of one or more of your rotator cuff muscles that usually occur in the tendon where it connects to the shoulder. You have four rotator cuff muscles that originate at your shoulder blade and attach to the top of your arm to […]


quadricep strain or tear

What is Quadriceps Muscle Strain? A quadriceps strain or tear is where the muscle fibres in the front of your thigh are suddenly overloaded and a degree of damage occurs in the muscle. The quadriceps are made up of four main muscles that connect from the front of your knee and join up near your […]



What is Osteoarthritis? Osteoarthritis (OA) is a condition that can affect the joints in your body. The most common joints that develop OA  are in the knees, hips, spine and hands. Osteoarthritis is an umbrella term that describes variable degeneration within the joint. It can cause inflammation around the joint, damage to the joint cartilage, […]


meniscal tear

Commonly known as a torn cartilage, a meniscal tear is damage to the meniscus that sits within your knee joint. The knee meniscus is a half-moon shaped fibrocartilage structure that sits towards the outside of the knee joint. Your meniscus assists with the rotational stability of your knee and shock absorption.  Some symptoms of a […]


medial collateral ligament sprain

Your MCL is a ligament that supports the inside aspect of your knee. The ligament connects from the lower femur (thigh bone), runs down across the inside of the knee joint and then attaches to your tibia (shin bone). An MCL sprain is when this ligament is overstretched or torn and sustains damage to the […]

LATERAL HIP PAIN (Trochanteric bursitis)

lateral hip pain

Lateral hip pain is pain that originates at the side of the hip, over the bony prominence called the greater trochanter.  The main area of pain will occur around this bone but commonly extends down the side of the thigh and even into the top of the lower leg, below the knee.  Pain may also […]


Knee osteoarthritis

What is knee osteoarthritis (Knee OA)? Knee OA is a condition that can affect one or both of your knee joints. It is characterised by the destruction of cartilage, leading to rough and uneven joint surfaces.  Knee OA may present with pain during weight-bearing activities, swelling around the knee particularly after exercise or a feeling […]


hip osteoarthritis

What is a hip osteoarthritis (HIP OA)? Hip OA is a condition that can affect one or both of your hip joints.  It is characterised by the destruction of cartilage, leading to rough and uneven joint surfaces. Hip OA may present with pain during weight-bearing activity or pain when sleeping. The pain may vary in […]

FROZEN SHOULDER (adhesive capsulitis)

Frozen Shoulder

What is a frozen shoulder? A frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis) is a condition that causes severe pain, stiffness and loss of movement within the shoulder joint. This is a result of inflammation and capsular adhesions that occur in the ball and socket joint of the shoulder. A frozen shoulder generally occurs over three stages; freezing, […]


Woman with calf strain or tear

Sharp stabbing, tearing sensation in your calf whilst accelerating, jumping or running? You may have sustained a calf strain/tear. What is a calf muscle strain/tear? A calf strain/tear is usually an acute injury where the muscle fibres in your calf are overstretched or torn resulting in a degree of damage to the muscle. This generally […]


Physios of Mt Eliza
88 Mt Eliza Way, Mt Eliza, 3930