Mt Eliza Soccer Club

Injury Management Information Senior Physiotherapist at Physios of Mt Eliza, Mark Scotney, recently delivered an interactive, highly informative session for Mt Eliza Soccer Club, sharing current, best practice knowledge for coaches and team managers to help look after the health and wellbeing of their teams, keeping children on the field, playing the game they love. […]
Osgood Schlatters Disease

Have children who play sports regularly and experience pain just below the knee? If they are in their early to mid-teens, they may have a growth pain that is called Osgood Schlatters Disease.
Lugging a heavy school bag could be a pain in the neck

As many of us prepare for our children’s return to school, it’s important to choose the right type of school bag to reduce the amount of stress placed on the spine. At Pilates of Mt Eliza, our Physiotherapists suggest the following to help minimize the risk of injury from backpacks: Key features when purchasing a backpack: […]
School Bag Checklist
A new school year often means a new backpack. It’s important to choose the right type of bag to reduce the amount of stress placed on the spine.