If you have pain on the outside of your elbow and are involved in activities that require repeated use of your forearm (such as typing, painting, knitting, hammering or playing tennis) and have trouble with gripping objects you may have tennis elbow. What is Tennis Elbow (Extensor Tendinopathy)? Tennis elbow refers to the overuse of […]

What is Shoulder Impingement? Shoulder impingement is a condition in which the tendons or bursa within your shoulder joint get trapped intermittently during shoulder movement. Trapping of these structures can cause sudden onset of pain and loss of movement, continually trapping or loading of these structures can result in tendinopathy or bursitis with ongoing pain. […]

If you’re a young basketballer/netballer/footballer and have heel pain when playing basketball or sports involving running or jumping, you may have a particular growth pain disorder called Sever’s Disease. What is Sever’s Disease? It is a condition (not a disease) usually affecting 9-15-year-olds that occurs at the back of the heel, where the Achilles tendon […]

What is Quadriceps Muscle Strain? A quadriceps strain or tear is where the muscle fibres in the front of your thigh are suddenly overloaded and a degree of damage occurs in the muscle. The quadriceps are made up of four main muscles that connect from the front of your knee and join up near your […]

What is Patella Femoral Joint Pain (PFJP)? PFJP refers to pain in your knee, particularly around your knee cap. Your patella-femoral joint describes the joint in which your femur (thigh bone) and patella (knee cap) meet. Your knee cap sits and glides within a groove on the thigh bone. If the knee cap is not […]

What is knee osteoarthritis (Knee OA)? Knee OA is a condition that can affect one or both of your knee joints. It is characterised by the destruction of cartilage, leading to rough and uneven joint surfaces. Knee OA may present with pain during weight-bearing activities, swelling around the knee particularly after exercise or a feeling […]

What is a hamstring muscle strain / tear? An acute hamstring strain or tear is a common injury that occurs during sport and recreational activities. It is common in various sports including football, netball, hockey and track and field. Hamstring strain is where the muscle fibres of the hamstring are either overstretched or torn resulting […]

Sharp stabbing, tearing sensation in your calf whilst accelerating, jumping or running? You may have sustained a calf strain/tear. What is a calf muscle strain/tear? A calf strain/tear is usually an acute injury where the muscle fibres in your calf are overstretched or torn resulting in a degree of damage to the muscle. This generally […]

Back pain is pain that is felt in the lower part of the spine. It is a sign that the joints, muscles or other parts of the back are injured, strained or not working properly. Back pain is very common with four out of five people experiencing it at some time in their lives. Most […]